Courtney “Deere Bringer” Weidner

Courtney “Deere Bringer” Weidner

Courtney Weidner is a burner insurance nerd who loves cats, coffee, butterfly gardening and nature photography. ENFJ, Sc, ADHD, Pisces, dreamer.

She attended her first regional Burning Flipside in 2014 and knew instantly – she’d found Home. Volunteer to her core, she’s worked as a zone czar, DaFT, VAS, perimeter line and is forever an Earth Guardian, working as Clean Up Lead for the last 2 years.

Her default career for the last 25 years has been working as an agent with Farmers Insurance. She acquired the family business in 2007 and in September 2023, she fully retired from Farmers and launched her new commercial independent agency, EverSecure Insurance Solutions.

Courtney is now assisting regional burns with their insurance needs across the country. Her professional experience and insight into how burns operate give her a unique position to understand the risks and exposures at regional burns. She knows first hand how restrictive the insurance market has become and how difficult it is to find coverage for our organizations. She will be leading a discussion on insurance needs and provide options as to what we can do to collaborate on solutions.