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Time | James | Bonbright | Rogers | Cummings |
08:00–9:00 | Breakfast & coffee | |||
09:00–10:25 | Plenary session: ground rules, get acquainted | |||
10:30–11:55 | Sustainability at Regional EventsA roundtable discussion exploring how Regional Events can engage in the work of the Burning Man 2030 Environmental Sustainability Roadmap By: |
Newbie AcculturationBrainstorming how we can better welcome, educate and get newbies to participate. By: |
Fire Safety: the View from 10,000 FeetConnecting the dots between fire safety, risk management, permits, and insurance. By: |
Regional Ranger RoundupA discussion on inter-regional ranger developments, and a check-in on regional ranger teams By: |
Noon–13:55 | Break for lunch | |||
14:00–15:25 | Site Ops/DPW – Building the CanvasCome talk through your burn with other Site Ops volunteers and leads and learn about and share best and worst practices. By: |
Rebuilding a Fractured Community: A Case Study and DiscussionBringing the art of Kintsugi to rebuilding your community By: |
Dust – Simplifying the What Where WhenAutomate registration of camps and events and get an event guide and app for your regional By: |
15:30–17:00 | Volunteeripate – Burn data like you’ve never seen itVisualization and analysis of data from tickets By: |
From Flames to Claims: Navigating Insurance for Burning EventsWhat you need to know about insuring regional burning man events – and avoiding disasters By: |
Time | James | Bonbright | Rogers | Cummings |
08:00–9:00 | Breakfast & coffee | |||
09:00–10:25 | Mental Health First Aid at a burn. Are we doing it right?A roundtable talk about mental health emergency mitigation at a Burn. By: |
Social Media, the Good, the Bad, and the Oh Hell No!Come discuss how social media is the necessary evil that helps year round engagement. By: |
Mobility: everyone gets a burnHow a couple of unused golf carts at LoF DMV developed into a program that has grown beyond anything that could be imagined. By: |
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10:30–11:55 | How to Train Your Actual—Care and Feeding of Volunteer Leaders at all StagesA discussion on the leadership lifecycle, including a range of topics such as recruitment, training, retention, succession planning, stepping down, burnout, and mental health support. By: |
Civic Responsibility and Community Engagement = Civic Engagement and Community Responsibility?What does civic responsibility and community engagement really mean to burners outside of Burning Man? By: |
Documentation talkAn overview of good documentation practices and an introduction to a system that embodies them. By: |
Noon–13:55 | Break for lunch | |||
14:00–15:25 | Relationships between the board, event organizers, and departmentsFacilitated discussion about the relationship between the board, organizers, and departments at regional burns. By: |
Fun with Finance!Think Finance can’t be fun? Think again! Financial statements and budgets basics for burners – no finance background necessary. By: |
BRCvr presents BurnerSphere, update and Q&AExplore how *BurnerSphere* captures the magic of Burning Man through immersive VR and learn how to bring it to your local burner community. By: |
15:30–17:00 | The Rent Is Too Damn High — Burns? In This Economy??As community-experiment-minded event organizers, what are we going to do about it? By: |
What if Burning Man is a cult? What if that’s ok?Is Burning Man a cult? Does that make me a cult leader? Is that ok? Let’s talk about it. By: |
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Note: Sessions with gray backgrounds are roundtables.