Tickets are priced at $185; as of this writing, there are about 70 remaining to be sold.
What do I get for my money?
Access to all sessions; morning coffee service on Saturday and Sunday; “grab and go” breakfast on Saturday and Sunday.
Do you have reduced-price tickets?
No. We’ve tried to keep the price as affordable as possible for everyone.
Can I buy a ticket on someone else’s behalf?
Yes. If you buy a ticket during the crowdfunding campaign, you will receive a coupon code that you can give to someone else. During round-2 sales, you have the option to buy either a ticket for yourself or a voucher for someone else.
Can I have my ticket refunded?
Yes, up until 2 weeks before the event (October 12).
Speakers & Sessions
Who can be a speaker?
You! This is a participant-driven conference. We are soliciting session proposals.
The Burn After Meeting event
When and where?
October 26-27, at the Orrington Hotel in Evanston IL, just north of Chicago.
Is there a special room rate for conference members?
Yes. The ticket-confirmation e-mail will include a special registration link. Or you can call the hotel and mention that you’re part of the Burn After Meeting conference when you book your room.
As of this writing (16 Sept), there is some confusion about whether any rooms are left in the BAM block, but in any case, you will probably get a better deal using a discounter such as or
Are there any other places to stay?
Downtown Evanston has three other hotels within reasonable walking distance, plus the typical airbnb options.
The Burn After Meeting organization
Is Burn After Meeting run by Burning Man, or affiliated with it?
No. Burning Man has provided advice and non-monetary support, but it is being run by a completely independent entity, Burn After Meeting Ltd.
Is Burn After Meeting a for-profit entity?
Legally, yes. It is a limited-liability company, not a non-profit. But it is not being run on a profit-making basis. Once costs have been covered and seed money set aside for next year, any profits will be donated to regional-burn art granting organizations.
Who is behind Burn After Meeting?
Burn After Meeting Ltd is a one-person LLC owned by Adam Rice, a former member of the board of directors for Burning Flipside, a Texas regional burn. The organizing committee includes some other people involved in regional burns.