Roundtable: Onsite Technology—Why are we burning like it’s 1986?

BAM, BAM. Wulff. We are trying to reach Somesuch but aren’t getting a response on the radio. Could you swing by their camp for a face2face?
Allcon Allcon. If you aren’t actively using your radio for a shift the rest of the day please return them to dispatch.
Allcon Allcon. Please do the “town crier” bit and inform everyone that the storm is bearing down on us.
Allcon Allcon. Has anyone seen the Ice golf cart?
Quartermaster. Quartermaster. Safety. Where’d we put the thing that time we did the other thing?

Its 2023. Welcome to burns, one of the most oddly dystopian subcultures. We take thousands upon thousands of dollars of high tech equipment into an area with little to no cell reception and do our best to cobble together stable on site communication systems that ignore the advances of modern technology.

It’s a burn, who wants to be tethered to their phone? But our radio, that’s cool right? Oh and you may still carry your phone cause its handy for notes, and documents, and maps. But you aren’t required to. And them radios? They’re expensive. And the communication is wide open, so make sure no one is saying things they shouldn’t.

Where is all of the equipment? When was the last time someone inventories all the things? Crap, where’d that box get put during load out.

Are we doing this right yet? Is there a right? What are our options? What exactly are we even solving for? What crazy theories do you have?

Session presenters:

Date & time: Sunday, 05 Nov 2023 3:30pm

Location: Red Cloud

Tagged: ops

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